
Alter ego game endings
Alter ego game endings

  • Great Big Library of Everything: Every literary classic seems to be available in Es' library.
  • alter ego game endings

    Freudian Trio: Ego Rex (the Super Ego), the Player (the Ego), and Es (the Id).Featureless Protagonist: The protagonist's face is never shown.While doing so, you read books and tap on thought bubbles. Endless Corridor: You wander through a pitch black corridor that never seems to end.Easter Egg: If you tap Es enough times, you can unlock 'Es Worshipper' as a result on your final mirror piece.

    alter ego game endings

  • Despair Event Horizon: Es falls into this in both bad endings, although with wildly differing results in the SUPER EGO ending, Es falls into a deep depression and either fades away or commits suicide, while in the ID ending, she spirals into madness and destroys the world she inhabits, believing that only she and her impulses matter.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: the game is completely in black and white except for the butterflies.
  • Cute and Psycho: Es during the ID ending.
  • Cessation of Existence: Es does this to herself in the SUPER EGO ending.
  • But Thou Must!: At the final picture book, the game will force you into choosing one specific option of the three possible if you are in either of the bad ending routes.

  • Alter ego game endings